Available in
after you enroll
- Courseoutline_Cypress
- Session#1_Introduction to JavaScript_Presentation
- Introduction_to_JavaScript_Session#1 (97:13)
- Intoduction_to_Java_Scripts_Previous_Batch_Session#1 (82:32)
- Session#2
- Define_variables_and_Naming_convention_Session#2_Part_1 (104:25)
- Data_Types_and_its_usage_Session#2_Part_2 (69:40)
- Operators_and_types_of_operators_Session#2_Part_3 (69:29)
- Control_Structures_Session#3
- Control_Structure_IF_Else_Switch_session#3_Part_1 (91:49)
- Loops_and_types_of_loops_Session#3_Part_2 (100:17)
- Session#4
- Define_Functions_and_its_types_Session#4_Part_1 (120:10)
- Introductions_to_Object_Session#4_Part_2 (88:23)
- Arrays_ForEach-Loop_For-In-Loop_Session#4_Part_3 (132:28)
- OOP_JavaScript_Session#5
- Nested_Loops_Session#5_Part_1 (67:53)
- Object_Based_Language_Implementation_of_OOP_in_different_ways_Session#5_Part_2 (87:25)
- Inheritance_In_object_based_Language_Session#5_Part_3 (69:53)
- Take_Input_from_user_Typecasting_Session#5_Part_4 (35:30)
- Cypress_Session#6_Presentation
- Theory_of_Automation_Session#6 (121:33)
- Session#7
- Cypress_Installation_Guide_Session#7
- Cypress_Installation_Configuration_Session#7_Part_1 (77:40)
- First_Test_with_Cypress_Describe_It-block_Session#7_Part_2 (92:03)
- Assertions_in_detail_Session#8
- what_is_Assertions_Describe_Implicit_assertions_with_example_Session#8_Part-1 (68:08)
- Assertion_Types_Explicit_Assertions_Expect_Assert_Dynamic_Session#8_Part_2 (85:59)
- Different_ways_of_Run_Cypress_Test_using_Terminal-CL_Session#8_P_3_Presentation
- Different_ways_of_Run_Cypress_Test_using_Terminal-CL_Session#8_Part_3 (53:11)
- Hooks_Session#8_P_4
- Mocha_Hooks_before()_after()_beforeEach()_and_afterEach()_Session#8_Part_4 (66:54)
- Session#9
- Learn_CSS_and_Xpath_in_Depth_Custom_Locators_Guide_Step_by_Step
- Custom_Locators_Cypress_Commands_First()_Last()_Session#9_Part_1 (117:49)
- All_types_of_Dropdown_handling_Session#9_Part_2 (83:57)
- Jquery_Complex_Elements_Handling_Slider_Drag_Drop_Session#9_Part_3 (64:06)
- File_Uploading_Downloading_using_cypress_plugins_Session#9_Part_4 (50:05)
- Session#10
- Custom_Commands_Retries_Asyn_Session#10_Part_1 (84:03)
- Handling_Frames_Switching_to_New_Window_Tab_Popup_Alerts_Session#10_Part_2 (96:18)
- Session#11
- Test_Data_Reading From Fixture_Global_configurations_Environment_set_Session#11_Part_1 (72:27)
- Faker_API_Test_Data_generation_using_Faker_Read_data_from_Fixture_Session#11_Part_2 (50:14)
- Introduction to DevOps, CICD and Automation testing Pipeine_Part _1 (88:20)
- DevOps_CICDJenkins_Implementation_part 2 (57:38)
Available in
after you enroll
- Session 1
- Introduction to Java Script, Setup Project Visual Studio and Installing & configuring VS Code (82:32)
- Session_2
- Variable Naming convention, Data types, var, let and const (110:06)
- Operators, Boolean Logic and Operators Precedence (110:09)
- Session03
- Types of Control Structures, IF Else Statements and Switch cases (95:01)
- For Loops, While Loop (Pre Condition) and Do-While loop (Post Condition) (63:18)
- Session4
- Arrow Functions, Introduction to Objects, and usage of "this" keyword (118:48)
- Built-in Functions, JavaScript Nested Objects, and Arrays (129:59)
- Session_45
- Nested loops -JavaScripts, Callback functions, and Objects data Types (111:22)
- OOP Fundamentals, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Classes in OOPs (88:54)
- OOP_JavaScript_Session678
- Parent child Relation, Export class, and Prototype (92:03)
- Cypress_Session_8
- What is Automation, Benefits of Automation Testing, and Framework for Automation (121:33)
- What is Cypress, Architecture of Cypress, and Installing Cypress - ( npm init) (106:11)
- Mocha framework & Chai assertion, Verifications & Validations, and Mocha Hooks: (63:24)
- Cypress_Installation_Guide
- Session91011
- Implicit Assertions, Explicit Assertions, and DOM Terminology (60:34)
- Session12
- Cypress Common Assertions, Expect, and Cypress "Default Assertions (92:27)
- Different ways of Run Cypress Test using CL, Run all testcase on browser, and Run all test case in Electron browser or (headless) Browser (62:45)
- Hooks in details, describe('Mocha validation') (85:15)
- Session15
- CSS Selector use in Cypress, Folder Structure in Cypress, and Custom Locators (71:35)
- Cypress Commands, first().next().prev(), and Using .within() (106:16)
- Learn Elements handling in Cypress-Dropdown-UI Web Controls static & Dynamic Drop-down (55:48)
- Learn Gestures:-1.DragandDrop, 2.Sliders, 3.Resizable,4.Right Click, 5.MouseOver 6.Force Multiple Click (97:28)
- Learn File Uploading and Downloading & ViewPort (84:43)
- Session19
- Learn Custom Commands & Test Retries Failed-Global Configuration (59:55)
- Learn handling of multiple Windows & Switching to New Window, Tab, Popup, Frames and Alerts (111:32)
- Session21
- Environment variables & Fixtures, Global Configurations in Cypress,Screenshots off and Videos flase, in Cypress (51:08)
- Session22
- Learn Page Object Model in Cypress and its benefits of POM in Cypress (105:04)
- Page Object Model Implementation & Generating Mocha Awesome reports (91:35)
- Session24
- What is BDD?,Understand Cucumber & Feature File,Step Definition File & (99:00)
- Integration of BDD with POM (96:32)
- Learn Advance concept of BDD and create a framework using POM & BDD (77:04)
- Understanding of Git & Git Hub & Setup Account on GitHub (84:00)
- Session27_Presen
- Learn Git Commands in details & Git Work Flow (83:38)
- DevOPS- PipeLine CI/CD, Installation & Configuration of Jenkins (67:10)
- Learn API Testing using Cypress (62:24)
- How to automate any endpoint and get status code. (65:03)
- End to End API Testing using Cypress (65:15)
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction to Java Script, Setup Project Visual Studio and Installing & configuring VS Code (85:51)
- Session_1
- Variable Naming convention, Data types, var, let and const (109:43)
- Session_2
- If Else, Logical Operators and Switch Statements (97:51)
- Session_3
- Functions, Arrays, Objects and Loops (122:16)
- Session_4
- Loop Controls, Nested Loops, Types of for Loop and While Loop (110:18)
- OOP_JavaScript
- Session_56
- For Each loop, Looping Objects and Object Oriented Programming (137:46)
- Session_7
- Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript (101:55)
- Introduction to Cypress Automation (65:04)
- Session_9
- Getting Started with Cypress Automation Scripting (92:48)
- Mocha and Chai Assertions (121:03)
- Mocha and Chai Assertions_Session 2 (67:42)
- Mocha and Chai Assertions_Session 3 (92:41)
- Session13
- Cypress Commands, Methods or Actions (110:25)
- DOM, Locators and Folder Structures (72:58)
- Session15
- Elements handling, dropdowns, Dynamic and Checkboxes (59:45)
- Triggers to handle gestures (56:50)
- File uploading and downloading using Cypress (83:01)
- Custom Commands in Cypress (71:40)
- Session19
- Iframes, Tabs and Alerts (102:02)
- Session21
- Fixtures, Cypress Hooks, and Environment Variables (58:47)
- Page Object Model (75:19)
- Session22
- Page Object Model Implementation (75:55)
- Learn BDD Cucumber (78:24)
- Session_24_Part_2_POM_Integration_BDD (74:46)
- Session24
- New_Session_POM_BDD_24_Part_1 (42:12)
- New_Session_POM_BDD_24_Part_2 (102:17)
- New_Session_POM_BDD_24_Part_3 (86:28)
- New_Session_POM_BDD_24_Part_4 (74:46)
- Version Controlling, Git and Github (97:08)
- Advance Git and Github (63:24)
- Allure Report and Jenkins DevOps Pipeline (79:45)
- API Testing using Cypress (43:25)
- Learn_Xpath_and_CSS_in_Depth
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Course Details and Access Information
Course Duration: The course is available for you to start immediately and has no set end date. As a self-paced online course, you have the flexibility to begin and complete it at your convenience.
Access Period: Upon enrollment, you will receive lifetime access to the course. You can access the materials indefinitely across all your devices.
Satisfaction Guarantee: We strive to ensure your satisfaction with our course. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 30 days for a full refund.
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